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Getting access to Tech job listings is not an easy task as a job seeker. The whole process requires skill, talent, and patience. Many job seekers are constantly looking for ways to land the best jobs, understand how to put their skills to use, and thrive in tech careers.


Under TechCrunch, Crunchboard lists or connects one to all of their latest Tech Job listings. If one is a Software engineer or designer, a CTO, Engineer, or Business Manager, then Crunchboard might be the right place. Be aware that Crunchboard doesn’t just offer a real-time job search, but it also has topics and categories that help get better results and choices.


With over 70,000 job postings, Dice also used to be an excellent resource for finding a job in Tech. It includes other resources like job boards, career sites, etc. It also has careers that are pre-defined by the platform. What Dice offers is so effective that it has attracted many users every month, and over 10,000 people apply for each job opening in a given country.

GitHub Jobs

GitHub Jobs is a job board with a difference that focuses on the developers. Besides offering a cloud storing platform for codes and teamworking through cloning codes, GitHub offers a job platform for developers. It has both remote and onsite jobs on its list. Github offers a platform for companies to hire developers who understand the company’s codebase very well.

IT Job Pro

IT Job Pro has a great collection of jobs suitable for candidates working towards several qualifications. It also has a channel where they post new job openings regularly. Users can subscribe to newsletters and news on the IT Job Pro site and get exciting information on the latest job opportunities.

Product Hunt

Product Hunt offers a connection between Tech job seekers and their possible employers. It is beneficial for those in the field of Entrepreneurship, startups, design, programming, etc.

Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is an electronic community of developers who answer each other’s questions. Because of this, there are a lot of questions and answers related to Tech jobs. One can also see these questions and answers as product ratings, which help decide the best question for a job-hunting process.